Saturday, January 26, 2008




Bill Gates' house is a large earth-sheltered mansion in the side of a hill overlooking Lake Washington in Medina, Washington. The house is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates.
The house is a modern design in the
Pacific lodge style, with classic features such as a large private library and a big dome-shaped room. The house occupies 50,000 square feet (4,600 m²) on a 5.15 acre (2.1 ha) lot. Garage space and outbuildings may occupy an additional 16,000 square feet. Property records indicate eight bedrooms and four building levels. According to King County public records, as of 2005, the total assessed value of the property (land and house) is $135,758,169 and the annual property tax for 2006 is $1,012,321. The address of the mansion is 1835 73rd Ave NE, Medina, WA 98039.
The lot was purchased in December 1988 for $2 million, and construction occurred over a period of seven and a half years with nominal completion in 1995. The house is located on the east end of the lot, which is located on a hill.
Gates often entertains the rich and powerful at his home. Once when Bill Gates had a private party for the
National Governors Association at the house, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced a "temporary security zone" around Gates' Lake Washington home which locked down all of Lake Washington south of the Highway 520 bridge and stayed in effect for two days. Do you Mr. and Ms. America get this kind of security from Uncle Sam---? See what the Billionaire pigs get, you didn't know, egh?. The cost to you the taxpayer for this Security Zone was $5,347,888 according to the office of management and budget GAO---Fuck, you paid to keep Bill Safe, ain't ya all ever so proud, you should be you paid for it!
A 17 × 60
foot (5.1 × 18.2 meter) swimming pool
An underwater music system and a
fossil-motif floor. There is also a glass wall which can be divided.
A locker room off the pool that has four showers and two baths.
The number of building permits needed completely overwhelmed the Medina county clerk's office, necessitating the move to a new Linux-based computer infrastructure to deal with the volume.
The house was designed by
James Cutler of James Cutler Architects and the architectural firm Bohlin Cywinski Jackson.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Oh, Billy it could have been worse than a pie you geeky cocksucker, you pig!

Bill Gates what a geeky little fucking pig he is.
I cannot say if it was Lake Union or Lake Washington on which his $110,000,000 house is built.
But I used to see it as I crossed the bridge headed for Bothell, Washington to visit some friends. A friend pointed it out to me, showing me it with his binoculars, all of it that could be seen.
Now what kind of pig mother fucker needs a $110,000,000 house? Does that not say enough when the average working stiff in American lives in the fiberboard 200K house that he will ultimately pay three quarter of a million for with interest by the time it's paid off, thirty years later.
If Bill and his compares had not invented software to run personal computers somebody else would have. Had Einstein not come up with relativity theory, building on the shoulders of Max Planck, somebody else would have, same goes for telephone with Bell, and many other inventions. After all, we must remember without quantum physics and quanta mechanics none of this shit would exist beyond the transistor era. So Bill fucking Gates is no great innovator a little rich prick whose father sent him of the Harvard, and then gave him his first million to become an entrepreneur. Yeah, poor little rich boy from privilege from the get go! By no means the great innovator or icon, just a little rich geekey prick that got lucky before some other mother fucker beat him to it. Steve Jobs, another prick or Wolsniack, somebody was out there Billy just got there first with all the right marketing, product and at the right time-so fuck this cocksucker in his ass!
Now his house is as secure as Area 51, since he got the pie in the face, he now has a formidable body guard force that accompanies him everywhere. His house is nearly impenetrable, but nothing is fool proof not even this mother's costly abode with what 80 rooms, and three people?
Now you know goddamn good and well that after the “Pie in the face” incident Bill no doubt and finally saw that he was a vulnerable cocksucker. You know it was a wake up call, and of course, he did not think it funny like a Soupy Sales slapstick deal. No doubt a few of his pals, those getting rich off him and his advisors told ole Billy, son you better consider so personal security, there are some psychos out there and that pie could have been anything-that is pretty much how I think things went down after the pie.
But having no use for pricks that have too much and are pigs, live and act like pigs, would it have not been funny if that pie had been sulphuric acid, a quick cutting off of one of Bill's ears. No I don't wish it would have been a gun or a stick of dynamite or Symtec or C-4 shoved in his pig mouth, not at all.
But caustic acid or an ear or nose cut off would have been pretty goddamn funny if you ask me.


Here is Erik Schmidt, in the kings throne hat, stupid looking hat with one of his faggot, but fuck buddies, the founder of Google, now sitting on 8 Billion dollars, one more capitalist pig you may think is some kind of hero for starting Google, but do you with his 8 Billion think he is a philanthropic, alturistic mother fucker, with all his corporate welfare and as for any charity he has, fuck, writes all that dough off on his taxes so he can look like a real good guy, fuck this capitalist prick and his crown, fuck him in the ass, watch out if anarchy breaks out, Erik you better hire Erik Prince, because you are one of the pig oligarchs that must mother fucker!

Two more dot com cocksuckers a chink and yuppie fag

The two pricks chink and yup fag and their HQ can you only imagine how these capitalist pigs live? Holy Christ in 10-40 million dollar houses!

These mother fuckers just delete your email address at their whim and they are in cahoots with google more on those mother fuckers later-ugly mother fucking chink if I ever saw one, and the geek fag. Both billionaires who you think are you doing someone, anyone a favor-my goddamn ass, as they make billions and live like fucking Pharoah and far better-I personally hate the mother fuckers. If anarchy every breaks out--hire Blackwater mother fuckers, you will need them! Jerry Yang the chink and Filo the yuppie faggot shown in photo.